Tuesday, January 12, 2010

luv ur hair, luv ur everything.....

hmm...quite a long not writing...
juz being buzy during holiday, manage wedding tings(bukan saye yang kawen ye, my sis), and do picnic wif my bff...quite a ' ' picnic(i lost my digi cam), igt my dad nak mengamuk ke ape, but the next day my mom buy a new one...(die kate da murah...hmm, ye ke? nilainye da bole dapat satu crop jacket dari topman...sayang..)...i lost all my pict wif my bff during picnic..(yg tu lagi sayang...hmm, masing2 da pose cun habis..n those beautiful scenery, rase mcm nak gi lagi..hmm).

i igt lagi mase mandi2, we all sume kuarkan grooming product masing2...ijat with her tresemme syampoo siap ngan conditioner skali, and fadzli ngan body butter nye...wah, rase mcm kat spa...i just bring my lotion ( nivea je) ...mmg best..wah, my fren sume mmg jage kecantikan...
ye la.....ape salahnye berbelanje lebih cket utk kesihatan+kecantikan...as example ijat tu rambut die dulu bole categorized as rosak la, but then, die invest beli tresemme(antara syampoo yang quite not cheap lah..)and now die punye rambut look healthy sgt(ala2 gune jari pun bole, sbb dulu kalau gune jari tersangkut2...hihi,juz kidding ijat)... and fadzli pulak, he loves to experiments on products(x kisah harganye plak,hish socialite habis), and die punye body butter, buat i rase macam angel VS nak bwat catwalk...(habis kilat2 satu badan..hihi)...

see...?! wat an investment uols hv been done...
yes, somestimes we forget to take care of ourselves, our skin, hair(top to toe la, senang cite)..
yea, malunye kalau menjinjit beg Chanel and berstilletto YSL, but then, theres a lot of kelemumur jatuh ke bahu(kalau dah jatuh ke bahu tu, apatah lagi keadaan kat kepala..)..
n kalo naik lif , how?? orang belakang kite dapat tgk rambut rosak+beruban+etc dari dekat..eee malunya...rosak beg Chanel, apatah lagi kalau kite kotorkan suit Giorgio Armani kita dgn those kelemumur....wat a waste...

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